Monday, July 27, 2015


9:45 (writing this on 07/28)

Stressed. I think that I have been breaking out more because of my work. I thought that my mind would be at peace, and at working-zone because of my restful weekend. Unfortunately, my mind felt very hectic after lunch. I got work done before, but I slowly began to doubt myself after lunch (maybe it was the food coma??). But, regardless, I started to think that I cannot do this project because I am just a recent high school senior. It was such a tough day. 

Then, I got a pep talk from Michaela during tea time and that reassured me that all these thoughts were just in my head. They exist because I care about presenting my project to the best of my abilities. So, I pushed through and worked my best until 6 PM. My greatest thoughts come when everyone is gone!

After work, I needed to go for a run! I definitely needed to "run" away from the negative thoughts, so I went for a long run with Alex. I am just so thankful to have safe space to go for a run and escape the work that lies on my office desk. Honestly, I need to take more breaks and I will enjoy my project much more! But, when I take breaks, I feel as if I am wasting precious time. So, I just stare at my computer screen and hope that brilliant thoughts come! And, sometimes they do. Anyways, I am going to try taking more breaks this week, so that my mind can be refreshed and happy to continue this job!

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