Wednesday, July 1, 2015


23:27 (writing this on 06/30)

Searching. I have half a week until I go to my village to conduct my research. And, I need to finish my literature review as well as my tool. And, I am nowhere near those two goals. So, I read over the history of India, of Dokur, and of microfinance just to give me more of the boost to write. My focus in work has extremely skyrocketed, but my progress is not at the same exponential growth. So, I realized that I need to read about the items on my outline, and immediately write about it. I can't just read, read, read, and take notes. Instead, I have to read, and then write my report. I am so determined to turn in my best work for this project, but I need to be more smart with my time and less stressed!

In the meantime, talking to my beautiful sister and family during my break makes up for all this hard work. #preshworking

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