Wednesday, July 22, 2015


9:07 (writing this on 07/23)

Burned out. One of my biggest highlights of the day was partly finishing my methodology. I got very drained when I tried writing my conclusion, so I stopped there. So far, I am making great progress with my report. By the end of the week, I hope to get an outline of what results I want to portray for my audience #preshdoeswork.

The morale in the office has been a scary roller coaster. Before lunch, everyone is extremely focused and it's difficult to talk to other people. Then, afterwards, everyone's energy is drained and they just want to go home. When everyone leaves, then I am at my most productive stage. I do not get it.

After work, I went for a bike ride around ICRISAT with Shakti. I got a minor battle wound and probably even swallowed an insect. Night bike rides are tough, but it is just as beautiful as day bike rides (because of all the night flies).

I ended the night by watching Troy with some of the interns. I am so fascinated by Greek culture. Apparently, the guy that escaped Troy led his people to create Rome. I feel like I am going to study Greek/Roman mythology/history in the future. Or, I can just watch a bunch of those movies on my free time. 

Oh, another highlight is tea time!!

I am seriously having tea time in Berkeley.

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