Monday, June 29, 2015


8:34 (writing this on 06/30)

Tiring. First of all, I need to set a better schedule for myself to keep up to date with this blog, and not have to write it a day or two after. Well, this is what I remember from Sunday:

I woke up fifteen minutes before I had to be ready in front of Tita Ana's house for Mass. Since I didn't want to run on Filipino time, I rushed to get ready. When I got to the car, I was ten minutes late. I really need to have better sleeping schedules and be more responsible with my time. As we were driving, I could not help but feel so exhausted. I kept snoozing off, but still trying to remain awake so I can respond if they asked me anything. 

During Mass, I was somewhat attentive especially every time there was a responsorial psalm or a playing song. Their choir seemed to sing "folk" version of the Catholic songs. It was highly fascinating. Then, there was the Homily which I barely understood the because of the priest's thick accent. Throughout the entire Mass, I compared and contrasted Indian Catholic Masses from American Masses. And frankly, they seemed more similar than different.

After Mass, we ate breakfast at a somewhat American cafe. I have never felt close to getting diarrhea until I ate the food there. Maybe my stomach gets upset from American omelettes and toast! So, when we got to the Mall, I had to make a second trip to the bathroom, but thank God, my stomach was just temporarily upset at that time. 

We went to a different mall from Inorbit, and in my opinion, this mall was twice as better. 

They had more different types of stores, and their Indian stores had various types of clothing. When I broke off from our group to shop by myself, I immediately speed-walked everywhere! I wanted to see every store and spend all my money. But, I am "smart" with my money so I only spent it on items that caught my eye (a bar of soap and a pair of earphones). 

Then, we shopped for more in Inorbit, and ate Indian-infused Chinese food. When we got back to the car after shopping for what felt like ten hours, my eyes just wanted to close. Tiredness just overwhelmed me! I had an extremely productive and fun Sunday, but I definitely needed a nap.

When I got back to my room, I actually did not take a nap. My brain started working, so I stayed up for an hour and created my "Borlaug-Ruan Intern Video". Then, my mind started to doze off and I took a much-needed three hour nap.

I woke up by Mariah's voice (as usual). She told me that there was a pool party, and I felt so indecisive: pool or bed? Then, I realized that talking to people felt better than sleeping for twelve hours. I got dressed and headed to the pool.

On our way to the pool, we saw our American intern friends. They actually just finished the pool party! So, we all hung out at Ana's house and talked until midnight. Our conversations switched from San Francisco to food, food to Peruvian culture, to people that had drug overdose, to people that had drug overdose to Hindi movies, to Hindi movies to Californian lives, to Californian lives to how to wear a saree, to how to wear a saree to medicines and vaccinations and so forth. I am definitely glad I got up from my three hour naps.

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