Tuesday, June 23, 2015



Swamped. For the past two days (and nights), I have been researching on my project. At this point, I know that I want my project to focus on gender equality and microfinance. Apparently, Self-Helped Groups (SHGs) in India address both of my interests, but there has been so much research on them that I am having trouble finding my research question. I gave up on reading the  comprehensive book of the Semi Arid Tropics. So, I decided to find the rest of my data through other sources! I realized that my attention span/focus level is not at its best. I can write, but researching requires more of my brain cells and energy. I even find myself munching on so many snacks because of stress-eating. It just worries me that I am losing precious time for my project. Plus, I have to write a literature review that lays out my project that is still yet to be determined. Although I have all these worries, I am determined to create a very reasonable project, and I have been getting wonderful support from my mentors like Ms. Basch, Ms. Kavass and previous Borlaug-Ruan interns.

If I do not develop my research question tomorrow, I am going to settle for finding out the process of the formation of SHGs. I am also really proud to come up with a very organized Google folder for this project. I researched a great deal on Dokur, my research site, and the Semi-Arid Tropics through ICRISAT's data. I also began to refresh myself with recent data on gender equality and microfinance. I might be swamped, but I will find that research question!

Aside from the business of my day, I took my first photo with one of my favorite mentors in the Center, Tita Ana.

She definitely makes the transition here so much easier, and I feel like I am right at home especially with her hospitality! I even met other Filipinos from the International Rice Institute, and they welcomed me with open arms. They even added me on Facebook and gave me gifts (food and bag)! I love my culture! 

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